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Title sequence







Brian Wilson

Long Promised Road


Title Sequence, Art Direction and Animation for Brian Wilson’s Documentary.

Beach Boys Little St Nick. Harmonies, good vibrations, and Christmas, need I say more? This is an absolute classic from America’s band. Creating a surfer Santa Claus was something we were all excited about at the studio, giving him personality and that JOY that we love as kids and adults. This song is a celebration of the holidays, and we wanted to match that vibe and feeling with visuals that bring smiles to people’s faces. Harmonies, good vibrations, and Christmas, need I say more? This is an absolute classic from America’s band. Creating a surfer Santa Claus was something we were all excited about at the studio, giving him personality and that JOY that we love as kids and adults. This song is a celebration of the holidays, and we wanted to match that vibe and feeling with visuals that bring smiles to people’s faces. Harmonies, good vibrations, and Christmas, need I say more? This is an absolute classic from America’s band. Creating a surfer Santa Claus was something we were all excited about at the studio, giving him personality and that JOY that we love as kids and adults.